Louisville Handyman & Remodeling Blog

Louisville Handyman and Remodeling

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How Much Does a Whole Home Remodel Cost in Louisville?
Outside leaves are falling, squirrels are burying nuts, and geese honk overhead on their journey south for the winter. As nature prepares for the coming cold, you should too. Late fall is the perfect opportunity to make sure your home is comfortable, cozy, and functional for the months of chill and holiday celebrations to come!
Small Improvements to Make to Your Louisville KY Home
It’s fall now, but winter is right around the corner and soon you’ll be cozying up indoors, holiday hosting friends, wrapping presents with family, and decorating for the season. But is your home ready for a season of staying inside with your loved ones? Do you need to make some repairs, add functionality, or beautify your space? Keep reading for our list of holiday home improvement ideas. While it may be too late to fit in any major renovations, there are plenty of simple improvements that will have you singing "there’s no place like home for the holidays!”