Louisville Handyman & Remodeling Blog
Louisville Handyman and Remodeling
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You go to the doctor for wellness checks. You go to the dentist for regular cleanings. You take your pets to the vet for their yearly exams and shots. So why wouldn't you do the same for one of your biggest investments—your house? If you don't have an established winter maintenance schedule and winter home maintenance checklist, you should. Taking care of the winter maintenance in your home should be as routine as taking care of your health. So...you are probably wondering, "How do I take care of my house in the winter?" That's easy...you need a winter home maintenance checklist. We are here to give you some winter home maintenance tips, so you know exactly what you should do before the temperatures drop and the snow falls. We will also give you some other tips pertaining to winter home preparation and maintenance

Bathrooms typically need to be remodeled every 15 to 20 years to maintain beauty and functionality. Knowing you need to remodel and feeling ready to remodel are two completely different things. Bathroom remodels are worthwhile because they boost your home's value and give you a chance to improve your bathroom's performance.