Aging-in-Place: 6 Things You Need to Add to Your Home

  • 13 Sep, 2021

Home is where the heart is, so it's no wonder that aging in place is the dream of many homeowners. We all want to know that we'll grow old in a place that is comfortable, familiar, and beloved.

Stair Lift for Seniors

On many properties, home modifications for the elderly are an important component of aging in place. By purchasing adaptive equipment for the elderly and by making aging in place home modifications, aging in place can be safe and enjoyable.

If you're a middle-aged to retirement-age homeowner with a goal of aging in place someday, there may be many modifications you need to make to your home in order to continue living there. Below are some of the changes that you may need to make in the years just before or after your retirement.


Benefits of Aging In Place

There are many benefits of aging in place!

  • Live in the comfort of your own home. When you age in place, you get to stay in the home that you've lived in for years. It feels familiar, comfortable, and safe.
  • Financially efficient. Living in the same house is financially efficient compared to life in a retirement facility, which is often more expensive. This is especially true if your mortgage has been paid off.
  • Stay close to friends and neighbors. Do you love the people who live near you? Aging in place allows you to live surrounded by people who are familiar and beloved.
  • Keep your pets. Often, senior facilities have strict limitations on what kind of pets can live with residents. Staying in your own home, you'll be able to keep your pet with you.


Features and Products for Aging in Place

1. Stair Lifts

It's not uncommon for seniors to have difficulty going up and downstairs. Often, this difficulty gets worse as people get older. There are many ways of modifying stairs for the elderly. Stairlifts are a feature that is good for helping seniors stay in their homes. If you're thinking about installing a stairlift in your home, work with a qualified contractor to have the work done properly.

2. Wide Hallways

Wide hallways are important for homeowners who use a wheelchair or walker. Wide hallways make navigating the house easier. They can also help seniors avoid falls. Most hallways are naturally narrow.

If you're a homeowner who would like to widen your hallway, work with an experienced contractor to ensure the work is done safely. Your contractor will know how to get the work done without compromising the structural integrity of your house.

3. Soft Flooring

Carpeting is safer in the event of a fall, so it's the preferred flooring material for seniors. Carpeting is also naturally non-slip, which makes it doubly safe for seniors.

4. Kitchen Modifications

The kitchen can be one of the most dangerous rooms of the house, but there are many kitchen modifications that seniors can make to ensure that their kitchen is safe for food prep, cooking, and clean-up. Below are some examples of upgrades and remodels that can make a big difference in your kitchen.

  • Stove automatic shutoff device. Automatic stove shutoff devices attach to the stove and turn them off if there's no activity in the room over a certain period of time. If you go away from your stove, the shutoff device will prevent you from accidentally starting a fire.
  • Low countertops. Homeowners who need to sit at their counters while cutting up vegetables appreciate low countertops for getting their work done. This is helpful for anyone who can't stand for long periods, and for anyone who is bound to a wheelchair.
  • Extra lighting. Extra lighting makes it easier to see in the kitchen after the sun goes down. It's important to have a variety of lighting types in the kitchen, including under-the-counter lighting recessed lighting, track lighting, and a light fixture.
  • Non-slip floors. Non-slip floors prevent falls. This is important in the kitchen, where puddles and moisture on the floor may cause accidents.

Many of the changes that seniors need to make to their kitchens start with hiring a contractor with a range of skills. If you'd like to make your kitchen a safer place to get work done, hire a contractor you trust to get started.

5. Grab Bars and Bed Handles for Seniors

Grab bars and bed handles are important pieces of equipment for elderly care at home. These critical senior safety products prevent falls and also give seniors a surface to steady themselves at times when they're feeling unsteady.

6. Bathroom Modifications

Like the kitchen, the bathroom is another room that can benefit from many modifications. There are many upgrades that make the bathroom safer. Some of these upgrades are small, budget-friendly, while others are bigger and require an investment.

  • Installation of nonslip floors. Just like in the kitchen, bathroom floors can be slippery when wet. Installing non-slip floors makes accidents less likely.
  • Lighting upgrade. A lighting upgrade can prevent accidents by helping seniors to see in dark corners of the bathroom. It's helpful to install a variety of lighting options including pendant lighting, recessed lighting, and track lighting.
  • Taller toilet installation. Seniors who have bad knees, a sore back, weak muscles, or poor coordination sometimes find it challenging to sit down on the toilet or get up off the toilet. A taller toilet is easier to use.
  • Curbless shower installation. Curbless showers are easier to step into and out of, and are less likely to cause a trip and fall in the bathroom.
  • Shower seat purchase. Shower seats are examples of adaptive shower equipment that makes showering easier.


Call Louisville Handyman & Remodeling to Make Home Modifications for Seniors

Aging in place can be done safely, but your home may need to be remodeled before this can happen. If you're a homeowner who would like to prepare your home for your upcoming retirement, contact the experts at Louisville Handyman & Remodeling to make an appointment to discuss your upcoming home improvement. We're proud to be your trusted team of contractors in Louisville.


Schedule your consultation to remodel or repair your Louisville KY home

A Fast, Cheap Remodel: Too Good to Be True?
In the realm of home renovations, the idea of a fast, cheap remodel often tantalizes homeowners seeking to breathe new life into their living spaces without breaking the bank or enduring lengthy disruptions. It's an alluring proposition: the promise of a swift transformation at a fraction of the cost, seemingly too good to be true. But before diving headlong into such a venture, it's crucial to peel back the layers and examine the reality lurking beneath the surface. The Temptation and Its Trappings In today's society, where instant gratification is the norm, the allure of a quick fix is undeniably strong. With the rise of DIY culture and the proliferation of online tutorials promising easy solutions to complex problems, the desire for a fast, cheap remodel is understandable. Who wouldn't want to see their outdated kitchen or bland bathroom undergo a miraculous metamorphosis in record time and at minimal expense? The False Economy of Cost Cutting However, the old adage "you get what you pay for" holds true, particularly in the realm of home renovations. While a fast, cheap remodel may seem like a budget-friendly option upfront, it often comes with a host of hidden costs and compromises. Contractors offering cut-rate prices may be using subpar materials or employing inexperienced labor, sacrificing quality in the name of affordability. The result? A superficial makeover that lacks durability and fails to stand the test of time. Quality: The Cornerstone of Long-Term Satisfaction At the heart of any successful remodel lies a commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Unfortunately, these are often the casualties of a rushed renovation. Whether it's poorly executed tile work, sloppy paint jobs, or hastily installed fixtures, the telltale signs of a fast, cheap remodel are difficult to conceal. What may have seemed like a bargain at the outset can quickly turn into a source of frustration as the flaws and imperfections become apparent over time. Customization: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Another casualty of the fast, cheap remodel is customization. Cookie-cutter solutions may offer a quick and easy fix, but they often fail to take into account the unique needs and preferences of the homeowner. Whether it's a lack of storage space in the kitchen or a bathroom layout that doesn't suit your family's lifestyle, the one-size-fits-all approach can leave you feeling dissatisfied with the end result. The Hidden Costs of Expediency Beyond the visible shortcomings of a rushed remodel lie a host of hidden costs and unforeseen expenses. From the need to rectify shoddy workmanship to the necessity of replacing low-quality materials, the true cost of cutting corners quickly becomes apparent. What initially seemed like a cost-effective solution can end up costing you far more in the long run, both in terms of time and money. Navigating the Remodeling Landscape: A Cautionary Tale In the face of such challenges, it's essential for homeowners to approach remodeling projects with a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to invest in quality. Rather than being seduced by the promise of a fast, cheap remodel, take the time to research reputable contractors and thoroughly vet potential candidates. Remember, the true value of a remodel lies not in its speed or affordability but in the satisfaction and enjoyment it brings for years to come. Balancing Expediency with Excellence While the allure of a fast, cheap remodel may be strong, it's important to approach such offers with caution and discernment. By prioritizing quality over expediency and investing in a renovation that is tailored to your needs and preferences, you can ensure that your home transformation is a source of joy and satisfaction for years to come. After all, when it comes to remodeling, the journey is just as important as the destination.
Your Ultimate Spring Checklist for Home Maintenance
With the arrival of spring, it's time to shake off the remnants of winter and breathe new life into your home. As nature blossoms around us, it's the perfect opportunity to refresh and rejuvenate your interior and exterior living spaces. However, tackling all the necessary maintenance tasks can feel overwhelming. With our expertise and dedication to quality service, we're here to make your spring maintenance effortless. Let's explore in detail the essential items on your seasonal checklist, knowing that our team is ready to assist you every step of the way. Clean Gutters & Downspouts: The first item on your spring maintenance agenda is to ensure your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. Leaves, twigs, and other obstructions can prevent proper drainage, leading to water damage and potential issues with your home's foundation. Our skilled team will efficiently remove any buildup, ensuring that rainwater flows freely away from your home, protecting its structural integrity. Repair Decks: As the weather warms up, your deck becomes an essential outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment. However, winter weather can take its toll, leaving your deck in need of repair. Whether it's loose boards, wobbly railings, or damaged support beams, our experts have the tools and expertise to address any issues promptly. We'll restore your deck to its former glory, ensuring it's safe and ready for springtime gatherings. Stain Decks: Once your deck is structurally sound, it's time to enhance its beauty and longevity with a fresh coat of stain. Our team specializes in deck staining, using high-quality products to protect against UV rays, moisture, and wear. Not only will staining your deck prolong its lifespan, but it will also revitalize its appearance, making it a stunning focal point of your outdoor space. Repair Wood Rot: Wood rot is a common issue, especially in areas exposed to moisture. Left untreated, it can compromise the structural integrity of your home. Our skilled craftsmen are adept at identifying and addressing wood rot, whether it's around windows and doors, on deck, siding, or other wooden structures. By promptly repairing damaged areas, we'll prevent further deterioration and preserve the beauty and value of your property. Repair Vinyl Siding: Vinyl siding is a popular choice for its durability and low maintenance. However, it can still suffer damage over time, whether it's from impact, extreme temperatures, strong winds, or improper installation. Our team has the expertise to repair vinyl siding efficiently and effectively, restoring your home's exterior to its former glory. From patching small holes to replacing damaged panels, we'll ensure your home looks its best this spring. Power Wash Sidewalks, Driveways, Vinyl Siding & Gutters: A thorough power wash can work wonders in rejuvenating the exterior of your home. Dirt, grime, and mildew buildup can accumulate over time, dulling the appearance of your sidewalks, driveways, vinyl siding, and gutters. Our power washing services will blast away stubborn stains and debris, leaving your home looking fresh and inviting. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results. As you start on your spring maintenance journey, remember that our team is here to support you every step of the way. From cleaning gutters to power washing your home's exterior, our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring your home is in top shape for the season ahead. Let us handle the hard work while you sit back and enjoy the beauty of spring in a home that's been refreshed and renewed. With our assistance, your springtime dreams for your home can become a reality.